Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sad Day....

Today we had say goodbye to our beloved kitty Ashes. He has been with is for about 15 years. Ashes was diagnosed with Feline Diabetes about 2 years ago. Its been an interesting couple of years. If you don't know by now my husband was diagnosed 6 years ago. So when we found out ashes was diabetic it was a piece of cake to take care of. We knew how to test his sugars on his ears and give him the shots he needed twice a day. His health started to decline in the last 6 months or so. He had lost 2 pounds in a 1 month. We knew he was just not going to get any better. He had a great loving life with us and we will miss him dearly. Oh and I what I will miss the most is him cuddling with me on the couch. He loved to be right by my side as much as he could possibly do. I have posted a couple pics of him. He always loved getting up in the morning running straight to our bathroom to get water from our tub. We never really knew why he liked doing that when he had plenty of water in the kitchen! It was so cute I even got the best picture ever of him with water all over his face!!!

1 comment:

  1. So, so sad. I'm going to miss him. A lot. He was my buddy!!! {{{HUGS}}}
